FFF Free Channel Reviews For Everyone

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015

Welcome back to another exciting FFF, don't worry you haven't lost track of time I offered to do this week's FFF in place of @Crazylawrence

~~~ Astonishing Announcements ~~~

So probably the most unannounced announcement we have to make is Freedom now offering on request channel reviews for its partners.

The Channel Checkup is being supplied by Freedom's Partner Management Team or FPMT as I'm referring to them as. These reviews are going to be especially helpful and effective for channels who
- feel like they have hit a roadblock or just want a fresh perspective
- understand that lasting results take dedicated and ongoing effort
- keep an open mind to trying different strategies

So I bet your all asking yourself, how you request for one of these reviews, well all you need to do is fill in the form that will be linked - HERE

- After that FPMT will then send you your finished channel checkup via email, which will provide feedback on your channel and suggestions for improvement.

FPMT will work on getting back to you as soon as they can, during this time please try and refrain from contacting Support about your channel checkup status as they don't have access to this information.

You can see our announcement thread about the new Channel Checkup feature - HERE

~~~ Milestone Madness ~~~

As usual we have been lurking around the milestone / achievement section of the forum finding our best threads to highlight this week and I think you would agree we have found some nice one's, for example

- @iGoDZoFLuiGii just recently hit over 200 unboxing videos for their channel, what's even more surprising is that over 140 of these are for DVD's. Please help them celebrate their wonderful upload milestone by sharing the love on this post - HERE

- We also have our very own @LW001 who reached 2,000 forum posts. For those who don't know LW001 is always commenting, flagging posts and helping out on the forums, and its wonderful to see him sharing such a momentous achievement with us. To inspire him to keep up the hard work please don't hesitate to visit his thread - HERE

- And finally our last mention goes to @NoDragonsPlz who's videos have been added to over 200 playlists in the last 28 days. This is not only amazing as it works out to be around 7 a day but also because NoDragonsPlz has also had a string of other achievements in the last month as well, such as 975K watch time, and 1600 subscribers. To give the latest round of congratulations please do so - HERE

~~~ Distinguishable Discussions ~~~

I'm sure with the wealth of creators we have on the Forums that at least a few of us have been hit by the adpocalypse and the dreaded yellow 'not suitable for all advertisers' icon in our creator studios. It has been recently announced that YouTube will be employing 10,000 people who will work alongside the automated flagging system to help purge inappropriate videos and provide a way for creators to help improve the automated system. While I'm not too sure how far this is really going to help creators its nice seeing YouTube make a step in the right direction. I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below - do you think YouTube should ditch the automated service or do you think this mixture or human and machines will be enough?

I would also like to thank @Louisse Subido for the mention about this, and for his information thread that formed the basis of this discussion.

So that's it for another week, which do you think was the most deserving of our mentions? Visit the poll at the top and have your say. We are also looking to showcase the very best of your contributions to the forums, so if you have a tip, resource, service, milestone or introduction thread that you think should be showcased then please don't hesitate to get in touch!



Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Visit the poll at the top and have your say.

Pretty nice one again though, even though I have my eyes everywhere and usually see every thread that gets created these are nice to read over most of the time, also thanks for the nice words, my ego has inflated by 5 bar.

Also last time I voted for more Christmas jokes, where are my Christmas jokes

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
View attachment 19722
Also last time I voted for more Christmas jokes, where are my Christmas jokes

Sorry I couldn't think of any Christmas jokes, maybe these will come up in the next FFF, also I realised I forgot the poll, as such have 30 CRD for pointing this out to me.
Whoa! I never thought my thread would be a center for discussion :D thanks! quite an achievement in the forums.
Your most welcome, its always nice when users find interesting things to discuss


Respected User
Freedom! Member
This is really good for all the people who are new to YouTube, helping them by pushing them in the right direction, as starting off is hard and a review of the channel is a good step forward, and for people who been doing YouTube for a few years its good to get a fresh pair of eyes to let you know on how to improve.(y) (Y)

And thank you for sharing me in your discussion :) (y) (Y)
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zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
It looks like a good friend. I have a new channel and want to have a review about my channel.
You would need to be a part of the Freedom network and then request a channel review by filling in the google document outlined in the OP