Subscriber Milestone almost youtube famous.......

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Congrats I can see that your at 60 subscribers so your slowly becoming YouTube famous, keep it up
Congratulations on 40 Subscribers! Close to YouTube famous, yet so far away from it! Do YouTube because you love it, not for the fame. It takes a ton of hard work!

nah Im not about that life bro lol youtube is a hobby something I do for fun. I am not expecting to ever be famous. just doing it for me own personal interest.[DOUBLEPOST=1519051673][/DOUBLEPOST]
Wait that was yesterday, how did you get to 60 this fast? Good job
I don't know how that happened. but can't stop, won't stop. all I can tell you is sub4sub with loyal, longtime subscribers did not play a factor. those people on those facebook pages are depressing.[DOUBLEPOST=1519051714][/DOUBLEPOST]
Gratz mate and keep it up! :)
thank you very much[DOUBLEPOST=1519051752][/DOUBLEPOST]
Congrats I can see that your at 60 subscribers so your slowly becoming YouTube famous, keep it up
thank you very much[DOUBLEPOST=1519051782][/DOUBLEPOST]
congratz, 42 people know ofI know your existence XD
I know right, they think Im swell.
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Nice work, you will be at 100 soon!
won't be long now.

your now on 62 subscribers keep it up and you be on 1K in no time :)
I can't wait till I hit 1000k in all honestly. then I will gain access to youtube space. that place is rad. been there twice to check it out. once it was closed and the other time it was closing to the public for a function that you needed 1000k to attend. I will work hard and get there one of these days.
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