Recent content by ArcticArk

  1. ArcticArk

    How many subscriber do you have?

    One subscriber ;) but I haven't uploaded yet
  2. ArcticArk

    Service Request Intro and Outro/End Card

    I am looking for a simple intro so nothing with flashy spinning text and loud bassy music. I don't actually have a image in my mind but I'd like it to be ice blue and white and no more than 8 seconds. The Outro can be anything I'm not that fussy. sorry I could not build a better image for you...
  3. ArcticArk

    Service Request Paid - Multiple services needed.

    I am need of a Logo+Banner+Intro+Outro. I will pay. They can be done by different people but I would like the logo and banner to be done by the same person to get the same theme for them and ideally the Outro and intro done by one person to match up the style and soundtrack. My twitter is...