


Hey #FreedomFamily How are you today? I am doing great! I would like to inform you all about some tips and tricks! I am not doing this for the SponsorShip Im doing this because we're a family! Not just any family WE are the #FreedomFamily So here are the tips!
1.Dont Spam
Spamming peoples videos saying, Oh i have a cool new intro come check me out or Please im new just check out my channel please. These examples will not help you one bit! They will cause hate and a bad impression of you Youtube Channel!
Now i know its hard to get thumnails for your videos but even a google image can do a big change! it shows that you care to add the thumbnails and you take your videos seriously.
Now Sharing your videos doesnt mean going to people channels or twitters etc I mean going on your twitter Annoucing the video! Go on G+ and announce the video share the video with all your social networks and you will get more views!
4.Comment and Help!
When You comment on peoples channels and help people with there questions or comment on videos tips and tricks it causes some people (like me) to click your channel and watch some videos and probably Subscribe!.
5.Sub-to-Sub NO!!
Never say Oh Hey Wanna Sub for sub anyone because thats the worst way to get subs! it causes people to just subscribe to you so they can get subscribers! You will notice that your videos still get the same amount of views after sub to sub!

Now Ladys And Gentleman now that you heard these tips and tricks I would suggest using them! If you enjoyed reading this comment please Like the comment so Freedom! Partners Can See! #FreedomFamily Do not give up! As a wise man told me "If you fall get up and try again" and "Go Big Or Go Home"

SO Freedom family thank you for reading and have a wonderfull day or night !