Recent content by Damon707

  1. Damon707

    Gaming Hey Guys

    Hey vmancool, Welcome to the Freedom Family! :) Good to have you here!
  2. Damon707

    Entertainment Hi I'm FilmTech

    Hey FilmTech! Welcome to the Freedom Family :D. Love what your doing with the 4k shots on your channel. They are amazing. Keep it up and goodluck with your indiegogo!
  3. Damon707

    Gaming BennyPlays Here!

    Hey Benny! Welcome to the Freedom Family :D My name is Damon, nice to meet you! Left a comment over on a video of yours. Keep up the good stuff!
  4. Damon707

    Gaming Where have I been? (CS:GO Arms Race)

    Hey Freedom Family! As i have not uploaded in a while and since i have changed the way i like to game and the games i enjoy playing, I would like to give an explanation of where i have been and what is to come in the future. Check out me playing some CS:GO Arms Race! Enjoy!