Recent content by emking

  1. emking

    In what game can you collect everything or almost everything?

    if your talking about acheivements I Have all of them for CS:GO , Fallout 4 not including DLC , and Star wars battle front and i am hoping to get all of them for mirrors edge catalyst.
  2. emking

    No Man's sky

    I know I was so sad when that was anounced
  3. emking

    Gaming any one want to collab

    cool I am available from 3-4 in the afternoon on Wednesday i also live on the east coats of the U.S so just send me your skype and name and we can get a recording session going
  4. emking

    Gaming any one want to collab

    cool I am available from 3-4 in the afternoon on Wednesday i also live on the east coats of the U.S so just send me your skype and name and we can get a recording session going
  5. emking

    Gaming any one want to collab

    I am looking to collab with some people hopefully in a group for GTA 5 or Overwatch if you are interested leave a message with your time zone when you are available to record and which game it is you would like to collab in
  6. emking

    No Man's sky

    yeah that is what confused me
  7. emking

    No Man's sky

    I know it sucks that they delayed it has there been any confirmation on why
  8. emking

    No Man's sky

    i know the trailer is rellay good at getting you hyped even beater than some big games company's trailers.
  9. emking

    No Man's sky

    Cool guys i have to agree though to record it you kind of have to make a highlights real because of how immense the game is
  10. emking

    No Man's sky

    What do you think of it and will you be recording it?
  11. emking

    What's your favourite game?

    I really play a lot of cs:go but it is a tie between rust and GTA V for me
  12. emking

    GTX 1080 PICTURES LEAKED!!!!!!

    Take my money now and I am the conductor of the hype train
  13. emking

    good editing softwares

    I personaly use Premier Pro but Sony Vegas is good to although I believe a little more expensive than Premier
  14. emking

    about gaming channels

    I think you sould play games you and your subs bolth like but the key is the emotion you bring to your channel if you are boring than your viewers don't stay and become subs.
  15. emking

    GTA V PC Graphics

    just wait for the 1070 it will be sold for $ 379