Recent content by FG-GaMeR

  1. FG-GaMeR

    One Life - Is PermaPerma Death Good For an MMO?

    Hi people I have just made a channel (well it have gone two weeks) and I'm trying my best so guys go and check my videos the link is here: And if u subs to me I will subs to your channel but it going to be from my other channel who is...
  2. FG-GaMeR

    Solved Message on the Freedom dashboard and more

    Hi it's have been two days from the day I signd a contract with you guys (freedom), but my friends have signd to and he got that ''learn more'' on his dashboard and it just have gone 6 hours and me, I have waited for 2 days pls help me!
  3. FG-GaMeR

    Solved Nothing on dashboard for me to partner!

    Hi it's have been two days from the day I signd a contract with you guys (freedom), but my friends have signd to and he got that ''learn more'' on his dashboard and it just have gone 6 hours and me, I have waited for 2 days pls help me!