Recent content by Jae Evans

  1. Jae Evans

    Community Introducing myself!

    Welcome to the forums Atta! If you'd like a collaboration with me to grow your channel I have a post on the collaboration section of the forums. I hope that you're having a good day. :)
  2. Jae Evans

    PC Looking for Collaboration!

    Hello everybody who is looking at this post! I'm creating this post for all of you wonderful people for the reason that I am looking for a collaboration. I'm looking for people who are looking to grow and thrive! If you're interested I'd like to know some information about you. Of course before...
  3. Jae Evans

    Do you use profanity?

    The reason I actually started my YouTube channel was so that my girlfriend could watch my videos while I'm not with her because she gets lonely. I would never curse in my videos for she is watching them and I'd like for her to see me as a good person. So my opinion is that if you want to then go...
  4. Jae Evans

    Stress from YouTube?

    When I start a new series I really enjoy it. I'm so happy when other people enjoy it as well because then that makes me very happy.
  5. Jae Evans

    Gaming Introducing my editing channel

    Welcome to the forums! I looked at your videos and I really liked them! ;)
  6. Jae Evans

    Subcribers names idea

    Maybe you should call them "Gods" since it's kind of in your name.
  7. Jae Evans

    Subscriber Milestone 30 subs on youtube

    Congrats! It's fun to see the growth of a small channel(considering I also have a small one). I hope that you get to 50 very soon. :)
  8. Jae Evans

    Watch Time Milestone Hit a new watch time record!

    Congrats man. I'm really happy to see that people are finding your newer content happy and that it's making you happy! :)
  9. Jae Evans

    YouTube Views Milestone Another clip @ 1000+ views

    Nice job at 1,000 views. I very recently reached that milestone as well! I hope you grow a lot more! ;)
  10. Jae Evans

    Cover Game

    Recently I've been making videos where I only put in clips of a video game as I'm commenting on another subject. I'm not quite sure if the video game that I'm currently playing is interesting enough so I'm here to ask people for suggestions on a game that I should play as a background-commentary...
  11. Jae Evans

    Why do some of my videos do much better than others?

    I'd suggest to keep all of your videos and playlists at the top of what you can create. Some games may be "in" or "out", but you as the creator can choose what can be entertaining and what can fall off. This was just a suggestion, I'm not trying to tell you how to run your YouTube channel. Best...
  12. Jae Evans

    YouTube Views Milestone 1,000 View Milestone and Special!

    Hey everybody, so I know that I'm very new to the forums but I'd just like to say that I've hit a personal milestone of 1,000 views on YouTube! As you can see, this number is relatively small which is completely fine! Many channels that may not have the growth as some others will be very proud...
  13. Jae Evans

    Do you have pre-recording laziness?

    I've found that a lot of people usually have this problem, myself included. I find it a problem to start recording sometimes as my mind starts thinking "Where is this video even going to go? Is it going to be as successful as I want it to be?". I do however have the same ease as you when I start...
  14. Jae Evans

    How to stay motivated?

    I sometimes feel the same but there are of course other things in life. It's not all about YouTube(considering I'm a smaller channel, it's easier to say.), but some people may take it too seriously. I just recommend doing things you enjoy. And advertising is a very key part to promoting any...
  15. Jae Evans

    What's everyone's goal for youtube

    My goal is 5,000 by the end of 2017. :)