Recent content by JVGamingHD

  1. J

    Gaming Call of Duty Live Commentater PS4 or PC

    hey, I am on ps4, and I have 348 subscribers
  2. J

    Gaming Channel introduction!

    Thanks Zurhv, I've been in freedom for 11 months, I never used the forums though lol
  3. J

    Gaming Channel introduction!

    Thanks Prology, I've been in freedom for 11 months, I never used the forums though lol
  4. J

    Gaming Channel introduction!

    My name is Tony I am a 16 years old I found freedom through personal research I wanted to meet new people, and maybe gain some fans on the way, so I joined the forums. I like playing black ops 3, minecraft, and I enjoy playing baseball I don't have a favorite food of choice. I started youtube...