MarshmallowGamers J&J

My name is Jeremy, and my partner is called Jp, we are from a country in south america called Uruguay, sadly i have to leave to USA in a couple months but we are gonna still upload videos,
we are both 18 years old, i found freedom talking to a recuiter that is a friend of mine, and i told him about the new channel i was having and he told me about freedom, well i dindt join freedom just because it makes channels grow faster, it is because we want to be part of the Freedom family! My hobbies are... well gaming i guess hahaha, and cooking, and i know jp's are gaming as well and he is a awesome guitar player. My favourite food is Marshamallows, but if i have to only eat 1 thing in my life it would be sushi. Well my first youtube channel was made like 3 or 4 years ago, at that time i was in middleschool so my classroom mates made fun of my videos, so i had to stop uploading videos, but now i started again and i feel great about it. My biggest dream is to work doing what i love, that is gaming or something with computers. Me and Jp have a schedule for our subsribers to know when are we gonna upload a video, we decided that Jp is gonna upload a video every Tuesday, i am gonna upload a video every Thursday and we are gonna upload a video of a game played by the two of us every Saturday. So yes that is us. Thanks Freedom for giving us this oportunity.

