Recent content by MattH

  1. MattH

    YouTube (Poll) What is most interesting to you?

    I like your list of options, I think the history of medicine seems to resonate with me the most. Looking forward to seeing some videos on your genres :)
  2. MattH

    Community Gone for a while but back!

    Welcome back! The George show is definitely the best way to get acquainted with everything quickly. :)
  3. MattH

    Community My goal for 2019...

    You're doing the right things, just remain consistent! Networking and collaborating are among the most effective things you can do for your channel.
  4. MattH

    How To Hello

    Hey Realnews, Welcome to the Freedom family! Are you a content creator? If so, drop a link to your channel and tell us a little bit more about yourself.
  5. MattH

    YouTube Views Milestone 500,000 total views!

    What an amazing milestone, congratulations on half a million!