Nc Gamer

Just an up and coming Youtuber with a love for video games. Not a lotta skill at said video games but you don't have to be good at what you love.

If you wanna play some games just message me on PSN at NcGamer69.

Following the template someone sent me.

So I go by Nc
I am from Virginia
I am 20 years
My friend Scrub Lord (aka Sanic ZRTF)
I was told the forums would give me a hand with networking.
I like being lazy and playing games
I Love Pizza
I started to upload to YouTube cause I love watching YouTube videos of video games and always wanted to do that kind of stuff. So when I realized my PS4 could upload videos I got to work.
My Biggest dream would be to be a member of the Game Grumps.
(that would be awesome)
I run a gaming variety channel, but I would love to branch out one day.
I try to upload at least 4 videos a week and would love to see more people watching them when I get them out.
Jun 6, 1996 (Age: 27)
Somewhere, North Carolina
Going To School And Making Sandwiches
