Owen Griffiths

Hey people, my names Owen, and my channel is called Oween.

I've been on youtube for the past 5+ years; switching from channel to channel, due to thoughts of rebranding my name. First channel was about 7-8 years ago when I made camera-esk videos, where i would record my screen - granded i was 12, and had no idea, of how YouTube would be today. I'm now 19, with a channel over 1k subscribers still trying to find my way. I've been demotivated doing content for the past couple years, but decided to go back onto the bandwagon with my re-debuted video "The Origin Of Rocket League", that didn't go well in terms of views; but only the future can tell where my channel will be heading.

Moreover, I create videos (will be) from theory-based videos, highlights of specific moments in one game or a compilation of games either throughout the week-month or even if i'm still in the game, a year. My viral content I have made was by exploiting glitches in specific games; and my viral game was Dying Light. I stopped exploiting games to try and make pure content to build a fanbase of my own.

My name (Oween), was pretty basic, but has a funny background. A couple of months-years back, people would always expand the way they say "Ow'eeeeeeeee'n" so i thought it would be cool and orignal to make that my own name; however, I'm thinking of changing it to "MrOween" to have that crisp look towards the name.

I hope you enjoy my channel if you do, or have a personal interest, which you want to make content on YouTube, or just chat in general; just DM me or comment on any video:

Sep 4, 1998 (Age: 25)


Oween. G