Recent content by Ryunaito

  1. Ryunaito

    Gaming XCOM2 Let's Play Episode 2

  2. Ryunaito

    Gaming Let's Play XCOM2 EP 01

    First as in before Enemy Unknown? Never got play it but I many say good things about it, XCOM2 is harder than Enemy Unknown but not as hard as the very first XCOM...
  3. Ryunaito

    Gaming Let's Play XCOM2 EP 01

    This is the first of eight Let's Play videos for XCOM2, check it out... Again feedback is welcomed...
  4. Ryunaito

    Gaming XCOM2 Review

  5. Ryunaito

    Gaming XCOM2 Review

    Hey guys, This is a video that uses a review format that I wanted to try out... Feedback is of course welcomed...
  6. Ryunaito

    which screen recording software do you use?

    Shadowplay is my main, I also have OBS for games that don't have fullscreen...
  7. Ryunaito

    Games so enjoyable you can't stop playing

    First week from the launch of Fallout 4... I said I would just play from 9 PM till midnight... I often end up sleeping at 2 to 3 AM... WIth me needing to wake up at 6 AM the next day for work...
  8. Ryunaito

    What's The Game That You Think Has The Best Ending? (No Spoilers Please)

    Patches made it better, still not what alot of people wanted but personally thought its was good enough after... The Citadel DLC made more people happy as it privided a better sense of closure I guess...
  9. Ryunaito

    What's The Game That You Think Has The Best Ending? (No Spoilers Please)

    Just keep your mind open to the ending of 3... And focus on teh small ending of the characters...
  10. Ryunaito

    What's The Game That You Think Has The Best Ending? (No Spoilers Please)

    Added to my list to play...
  11. Ryunaito

    What do you think about Day 1 patch for games?

    Depends on the patch size and what it fixes... Small patches that fix bugs or add content are fine in my opinion... When a game patches highe patches on day one to fix major bugs, that just screams rushed/half baked product to me...
  12. Ryunaito

    Gaming Let's help eachother grow!

    You already added me... Thanks :D
  13. Ryunaito

    Who games with a laptop?

    No, I mean World vs World of Guild Wars 2... XD