Recent content by TerabyteGaming

  1. TerabyteGaming

    Gaming Feels Good to be here!

    Welcome to Freedom bud! What sort of games do you play, maybe we could do some collabs =)
  2. TerabyteGaming

    Gaming >> My Gaming Channel! <<

    Welcome to freedom and good luck in the future!!
  3. TerabyteGaming

    Do you have pre-recording laziness?

    Atm, i am trying to record and edit loads because I am going away for two weeks and want to keep to my schedule so tomorrow i am recording pretty much the whole day and then editing the day after xD, but yeah my problem is actually getting set up with audible and software etc. >.>
  4. TerabyteGaming

    Subscriber Milestone Passed the 100 subscriber mark and I'm giving a big thank you to my fanbase!

    Good job on 100 subs! my next goal is 50 and im getting closer every week
  5. TerabyteGaming

    What do u love about gaming

    I love the games ;) But actually, I love the communities that you can build from games, the conventions, the satisfaction of accomplishing something
  6. TerabyteGaming

    Comment 1 Tip

    This is an obvious one, but make sure you enjoy it : you can usually tell because people who do enjoy spend a lot of time on content and produce high quality stuff which is more likely to be popular
  7. TerabyteGaming

    Gaming Hello Freedom!

    Welcome to freedom bud
  8. TerabyteGaming

    Service Channel/Video Review (Free obviously)

    That's great thanks, I know my voice is fairly quiet, and am working on that
  9. TerabyteGaming

    Service Channel/Video Review (Free obviously)

    I'm always looking for feedback/ criticism so go ham (Dm me what you think) And just so you know I have been away for the past couple of months doing exams etc. I'm happy with the look of my channel and so would prefer video criticism, just either of my two most recent videos would be great :D
  10. TerabyteGaming

    Subscriber Milestone 550 SUBSCRIBERS!

    Yes you got there! Keep it up my man! (Love your content btw)
  11. TerabyteGaming

    Subscriber Milestone 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!!

    Congrats man keep up the good work and good luck to you and your channel in the future :D
  12. TerabyteGaming

    Gaming An anxious mess new to youtube :D Hello!

    Hello there welcome :D
  13. TerabyteGaming

    PC YouTube Gamer for 16+ recording group!

    Yo, I'm from the UK so similar time zone... I got GTA V and Garry's mod, I mean I got 106 games so if you want to play it I might have it :P Also thinking about getting dead by daylight so that could be fun. My name is Joe Newbould on Skype
  14. TerabyteGaming

    Fun and Games Continue the story

    He stood outside the cave for a minute gathering his courage before grabbing a rock from the tumbled pile and headed back downstairs...
  15. TerabyteGaming

    E3 General Discussion

    Um I think they wNt it to be out by the end of this year or early next year but I doubt very much that that will happen