Recent content by VortexV2

  1. VortexV2

    VLOG Vlogging Playlist for play list or any other collab

    Hey whats up guys its shane here and i was wondering if somone wants to do a play list for play list or a collab for voggers?? please let me know and sub scribe if you view and like my channel :))) my channel if you want to see : tps://
  2. VortexV2

    Fun and Games Type your username with your Eyes closed!

    vortcb2 well i suck lol
  3. VortexV2

    Fun and Games Channel Prediction Game!

    Current Stats: 185 Subscribers 4,247 Video Views January 29th, 2015 1 Year Prediction: 400 Subscribers 8,494 Video Views January 29th, 2016