
Been playing games my whole life or at least since i was 5. To be honest i think i learned how to play video games before i knew how to throw a football or much of anything else for that matter.

I got my start into gaming way back on the old NES what a fun ride its been growing up with gaming the way it has turned out and i have been doing nothing but loving it since day one. Pretty much all the old classics ring a bell in my head they paved the way for so many great games!

As the years went by i just kept playing games getting better and better after a while i created a racing clan known as the Notorious Racerz maybe you have heard of them maybe not but it goes hand in hand we dominated Midnight Club 3 back in the day and keep growing as years past the clan kinda declined (still running today but just not as hard) i kinda moved away from the racing scene and into the FPS scene prior to that My clan set up Youtube channels and that explains why my URL is....... LamboNRzOwner as my Clan name is NRz_Lambo so now you understand that dilemma.

Anyways here we are so many years later finally getting the ball rolling on this channel with something i never thought would ever happen but i'm loving it and i hope you guys enjoy it as much as i do. Hope to see you around Peace!

Thanks for Checking out my profile!
United States, USA
Making Videos

