Search results

  1. Dylan Evans

    VLOG Looking For A Group Of Vloggers To Make Vids With!!

    Hey, I'm The Insane Mage, im really just looking for some people to chat about some collaboration ideas with. Maybe we could do some sort of challenges or even gain anough of us to begin to plan a sub network under Freedom! Reply to this with an email or something so i could get into a...
  2. Dylan Evans

    XBox Looking for group of YouTubers to record GTA V with

    I am basically looking for GTA V YouTubers (small or big) to play or stream some GTA with me on Xbox One. If there is enough of us we can fill death matches, split up into sub groups ect ect. Non YouTubers can take part as well if people don't all want to record. My Subscribers: 162 Total Views...
  3. Dylan Evans

    Gaming Hi! *cough* Im The Insane Mage!

    Hello, I'm The Insane Mage or Dylan and i have been making videos every so often for the last 2-3 years now and for two of them i have been a Freedom! partner. I like making mostly Minecraft and GTA videos however i have been known to do the odd vlog. What makes me special is that i make...