Search results

  1. Loyal Gaming

    Review4Review Review anyone? :P

    Hey guys, LoyalGaming here :D Just looking for someone to review my channel so far, I'd like to know if my thumbnails are decent or viewable atleast. ( i know they are pretty plain and not too magnificent but it works) Also if my audio sounds and content quality has improved from my euro truck...
  2. Loyal Gaming

    Service Request Need a Channel Art.

    If anyone is good at making channel arts i need one. if you could help me out that'd be very helpful! Either reply here or PM me. thanks!
  3. Loyal Gaming

    Resources OBS Good Recording Settings?

    Anyone know good OBS recording settings for YouTube? post here or PM me. thanks :)
  4. Loyal Gaming

    Tips & Tricks Commentary?

    I have the Blue Snowball mic and its pretty decent but when i just record and see if it sounds good and what not it sounds good but it just seems like it captures every little thing. like my parents would be in the other room not talking too loud and it picks it up. is there a way to edit that...
  5. Loyal Gaming

    Resources Good Recorder?

    Hey guys! Does anyone know of a good recorder to use for game plays that records decent quality and doesn't have a gigantic file size?
  6. Loyal Gaming

    Gaming LoyalGaming. Im new here :P

    Hey guys, Im new to Freedom and just wanted to introduce myself! Anyways me and my friend have been wanting to do YouTube for a while now. My name is Joey! I'm 16 years old and my buddy his name is Aaron! and He is 15 years old. We are just a few kids that like to play games and just mess...