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  1. Dizis Gaming

    Gaming SLUG OF THE DAY | HotS

    I recently played Heroes of the Storm as a hero called Abathur and made a silly last second save and took victory for that match! ^.^
  2. Dizis Gaming


    Gigantic is a new MOBA style game on Windows 10 and XBOX One platforms and is currently in the CLOSED BETA state.
  3. Dizis Gaming

    Gaming Hello total newbie video creator here :D

    Thank you all for the nice welcomings! :) If you don't mind, I have a thing that is bugging me for quite some, what does it take to get my channel linked in the Freedom! Dashboard? I can't really find an answer to that in the forums.
  4. Dizis Gaming

    Gaming Hello total newbie video creator here :D

    @Bryan, @BBphoniex Gaming, Updated the thread :)
  5. Dizis Gaming

    Gaming Hello total newbie video creator here :D

    Hey everyone, I'm a new gaming video creator. Only one video up so far, but have no clue how to get start getting views. I would be really grateful if any of you guys would give some advice on this whole deal to a newbie like myself on what I should be doing next. :) Thank you, Dizis. EDIT...