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  1. K

    VLOG New Places, Travels and Experiences are with me!

    Hey guys, im true lovely with new places, travels and experiences. Subscribe on my channel and see my recent travel to Orlando, Florida. Give your thoughts behind the video and welcome! Thank you!
  2. K

    Vlogs de novos lugares, viagens e experiências! Me apresentando..

    Boa tarde pessoal! Sou um apaixonado por novos lugares, viagens e experiências! É um prazer fazer parte da familia Freedom! Meu canal se chama Kabashima Junior , quem puder fazer uma visita será bem vindo! Moro em manaus e enquanto nao estiver viajando vou explorar ao redor de uma forma...
  3. K

    Solved When I accept the terms to be partner, at the finish appears a message : Try again later

    Personally, after clicking on "Learn More" to become a partner of Freedom! I accept the terms and conditions and time to finalize it gives this error below "This feature is currently unavailable. Please try again later." What can it be?! Pessoal, depois de clicar em "Saiba Mais "para se tornar...
  4. K

    When I accept the terms to be partner, at the finish appears a message : Try again later

    Personally, after clicking on "Learn More" to become a partner of Freedom! I accept the terms and conditions and time to finalize it gives this error below "This feature is currently unavailable. Please try again later." What can it be?! Pessoal, depois de clicar em "Saiba Mais "para se tornar...