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  1. Simo Fadlaoui

    Solved Two questions about Freedom

    I have 1k views in my video, but when I check Freedom It tells me that I have only 8 views. here is my video,
  2. Simo Fadlaoui

    Solved Two questions about Freedom

    Uh, I have 1k views in my youtube video but in Freedom I have only 8. but weird coincidence I have 8likes, Freedom's website is bugged or what?
  3. Simo Fadlaoui

    PC Need some collab friends (I got 600+ subs)

    ayyyyy, Congratulations!
  4. Simo Fadlaoui

    Gaming New To Freedom!

    Freedom is excited too to have people like you! Welcome, and hope you enjoy your stay!
  5. Simo Fadlaoui

    Gaming Holaa! well.. Hello =P

    Hola amigo! hope you enjoy your stay!
  6. Simo Fadlaoui

    Community Hi people!

    My favourite food is pizza too! what a weird coincidence! welcome to Freedom!
  7. Simo Fadlaoui

    Gaming Terra's Intro To Freedom!

    Hey! where you been? We've been looking for you! Freedom can make your dream come true! so stay with us!
  8. Simo Fadlaoui

    Gaming Hi I'm MarvellousMinecraft7

    Welcome to Freedom, and hope you enjoy your stay.
  9. Simo Fadlaoui

    Solved Two questions about Freedom
  10. Simo Fadlaoui


    Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay.
  11. Simo Fadlaoui

    Solved Two questions about Freedom

    Hi, I have two questions I joined Freedom recently and yeah I'm confused.. Does Freedom pays you for every 1k views, or for something else? Why there are only eight views on Freedom, but I have 216 views? Thanks!
  12. Simo Fadlaoui

    Gaming Hi there!

    Thanks for the kind replies guys!
  13. Simo Fadlaoui

    Network Speak Another Language? Freedom! Needs You!

    I can speak arabic fluently.
  14. Simo Fadlaoui

    Gaming Hi there!

    Hi, how is it going people? I joined Freedom recently. I'm from Morocco and I'm 18years old, I'm interested in the Programming field, I'm flexible with PHP and ruby, and also python! I started a youtube channel in order to share some information about this field with the others! Languages...