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  1. T

    Do you use google images?

    I use either use my own images or use Photoshop. This makes my thumbnails unique and proffesional-looking.
  2. T

    Do you like your own videos?

    Yes, unfortunately.
  3. T

    How to get more subscribers

    The best way to get subscribers is to spread the word. With thousands of channels out there, you have to show people why you deserve attention. Of course, this only applies to YTers who produce quality / funny videos.
  4. T

    i lost a sub :(

    Losing subscribers is part of being a YouTuber. Sometimes, it has nothing to do with your content. People simply unsubscribe because they have found a different interest.
  5. T

    I'm new to Freedom! I need a little help. :)

    Hello ya'll. So, I'm thinking of joining Freedom!, but I have a few questions I'd like answered from those who have already signed up with this network. Anyway, so here's my first question: Is 60% a fixed rate or can I somehow increase that number? If so, how can I? Also, is Freedom...