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  1. The Jaguar19

    XBox My Gaming Channel

    alrighty, what do you play?
  2. The Jaguar19

    XBox My Gaming Channel

    cool ill jump on xbox one in a bit and add you
  3. The Jaguar19

    Gaming HOW COULD I DIE SO EARLY ON - Conker's Bad Fur Day Walkthrough Part 1

    I start a new walkthrough of conker's bad fur day which is a great game form the Nintendo 64 era and honestly is still really funny for playing and watching. I have some hiccups in the videos, but i make it past a mighty monster and arrive at the conclusion that i am bad
  4. The Jaguar19

    XBox My Gaming Channel

    Sure buddy just message me your gt and we will work something. exciting to finally do some collabs honestly
  5. The Jaguar19

    XBox My Gaming Channel

    Good Day there mate, i would very much like to collab. I have GTA 5, but no COD games so if you want to hit me up at :The Jaguar19
  6. The Jaguar19

    XBox Collaborations Wanted

    Thanks for letting me know about it, Ill check it out. Thanks
  7. The Jaguar19

    XBox Scottish gamer

    Well if you ever feel like playing some Overwatch or GTA 5 hit me up if you have them. Great content so far, ill leave a sub for you, cause i dont hear much from rainbow six
  8. The Jaguar19

    XBox Collaborations Wanted

    -Hello I'm looking for a group of people who likes to play games and have a good time. -I am looking for anyone about 16+ because I tend to talk very adult like. -If you have a Mic that is a preferred, so we can have conversations and such. -I only have 70 subs now, but I think i can get more...
  9. The Jaguar19

    Gaming New Surefour with Anger issues - Overwatch

    I play some Overwatch with my pal, where i get really angry, then i channel my inner Surefour
  10. The Jaguar19

    XBox Looking to collab and have fun

    Yo i would like to collab if possible, i been recording for awhile and have GTA 5 as well as some other games. Hit me up if your down
  11. The Jaguar19

    XBox Xbox One Collab Partner

    i would be down for overwatch also, i play alot but try get more friends to play with. GT: The Jaguar19
  12. The Jaguar19

    XBox Anyone Want To Make A Collab Video

    I would also be down depending on what game it is
  13. The Jaguar19

    XBox Looking for some small channels to collab

    Yo, i would like to collab i play alot of overwatch and currently trying to get more friends recording with me so hit me up if your interested
  14. The Jaguar19

    XBox Anyone who wants to collab on xbox one

    Yo i could also collab on Overwatch and a few other games. I have been trying to get a few buddies together to play with and collab. So hit me up if you wanna collab together. My GT is The Jaguar19. My youtube is the same so yeah
  15. The Jaguar19

    Gaming Collaborate for Steam and XB1?

    Good day mate, I would like to collaborate. I play Overwatch and a few other games, and i have CS:GO and GMOD. so if interested hit me up
  16. The Jaguar19

    XBox YouTube Collaboration?

    Age:19 Channel topics: Walkthroughs, Funny moments( Starting to) Subscribers: 52 (for now) Contact: Forums, Twitter About: I make Walkthroughs and have begun to do Funny moments, but need friends to do so Link to Channel:
  17. The Jaguar19

    XBox Xbox/PC. Small/Medium Channels Collab

    I would like to collab, i got Gta 5, Halo:TMCC on Xbox1 , and got CS:GO, Garry's mod on PC too
  18. The Jaguar19

    YouTube Views Milestone 2,000 Views.

    I just hit 2,000 views on my channel and man after almost 5 months feels good. Just need better ways to get subscribers, but im content with the 2k views
  19. The Jaguar19

    Gaming Any one down to collab and help each other grow?

    sorry buddy i only got Xbox1, but good luck
  20. The Jaguar19

    Request How are my videos?

    Hi everyone, i was wondering if someone can look at some of my videos and tell me how i can improve them. My Channel is here: Just click on any video and give me your thoughts on how i can improve the future videos i make. Thank You for...