Search results

  1. T

    Request Any tips to gain active subscribers ?

    Thank you for your suggestion, really appriciate it. :)
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    Request Any tips to gain active subscribers ?

    Thank you, I will check out that section as well.
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    Gaming Anyone on PS4 Collabs

    Sorry for the delayed response, I will add you as soon as I get back online.
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    Gaming Anyone on PS4 Collabs

    That would be great, my PSN is: TKminator
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    Offering Gimme all ya channels :)

    Thank you for taking out the time to review my channel, i'm really happy with your feedback and have already started to add the missing thumbnails and I will try my best to keep my live streams between 3-4 hours.
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    Request Any tips to gain active subscribers ?

    Thank you for taking out the time to check out my channel and give me some feedback, I apologise for the delayed response. I will try and find a way to add overlays to my streams.
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    Offering Gimme all ya channels :)

    I would love to get your feedback on my channel. Note that my channel is focused around live streaming.
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    Request Any tips to gain active subscribers ?

    Hey everyone, I have been on YouTube for nearly a year and my goal for this year is to reach 1000 subscribers by the end of the year BUT I have been having a little trouble gain more active subscribers on my channel. I started my channel so I could entertain and make people laugh while growing a...
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    Request Please review my channel?

    Hey, I had a look at your channel and for someone who only started uploading 3 weeks ago I would say you're doing well. You have good thumbnails, video and audio quality and you have active subscribers. So whatever tips you've put to use keep it up because they are working. I hope you keep...
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    Gaming Anyone on PS4 Collabs

    That's a good time for me as well. My highest round solo so far is 96 on Black Ops 3 revelations and have completed the main easter egg so I would say i'm an average zombie player. I did check out your channel and would say you are a LOT better then me at zombies.
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    Gaming Anyone on PS4 Collabs

    Hey, You mentioned zombies I live stream zombies as well, I would love to collab with you. What time are you usually online on PS4 ?
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    Gaming YouTube Livestreamers

    Would any one here that live streams on YouTube and also plays on the PS4 want to play together on a live stream on one of the following games; Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege or Black Ops 3 zombies. If you do and you are some what of a funny person let me know as I am looking to stream and then...
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    Community Hey everyone, I just joined Freedom!

    That's great if you do decide to live stream and yeah they do.
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    Community Hey everyone, I just joined Freedom!

    Hi, I play on the PS4 and I currently don't have access to ranked as I am only level 18 but as soon as I do I will be playing ranked a lot as my subscribers have also been asking me to play it. :)
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    Community Hey everyone, I just joined Freedom!

    Thank you, I would love to play sometime maybe we can even collaborate and make a video or two. I am currently only on the PS4 if you are on the same console feel free to add me. PSN is: TKminator
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    Community Hey everyone, I just joined Freedom!

    Ok will do, thank you :)
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    Community Hey everyone, I just joined Freedom!

    I had the same issue on my channel I was editing more then playing the game, the reason I switched to being a live streaming channel.
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    Community Hey everyone, I just joined Freedom!

    I purchased the game just last week so only have around 8 hours played so far. I would highly recommend the game I have found it to be extremely fun and in my opinion the best multiplayer fps game of 2016.
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    Community Hey everyone, I just joined Freedom!

    Hey, Hope everyone's having a great day. My YouTube channel name is Tkminator, friends call me TK. On my YouTube channel I live stream the following games Rainbow Six Siege, Overwatch and Black Ops 3 zombies with more games coming in the near future. I am currently at 606 subscribers with a...