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  1. Dark Xeno

    How many subscriber do you have?

    Thank you, i missed getting that fixed last time I was online here. Should be good now. Thank you.
  2. Dark Xeno

    In Your Opinion, What is the best game of 2016?

    2016 isn't over yet as we still have some great games coming out. I will hold of I get my hands on Final Fantasy XV
  3. Dark Xeno

    How many subscriber do you have?

    I've been at 92 for some time now, was hoping to get to 100 by the end of the year.
  4. Dark Xeno

    What are your thoughts on the Nintendo Switch?

    I wouldn't hold your breath on the 3rd party support that you saw, it was all the same players for the GameCube, Wii & Wii U and you see how well the 3rd party people help "support" the system. Don't get me wrong, I hope to hell and back they help support this because more devs means more fun...
  5. Dark Xeno

    What Processor is better Intel or AMD

    This is an age old question, that many fanboys will fight about. But it really comes down to your budget and where you see your build down the road. I have never had an issue with AMD chips in any of my builds, I am sure someone will come a long and say one or the other is the way to go. You...
  6. Dark Xeno

    Request Feedback on Review of Hitfilm Editing software

    Nice video, very well thought out.
  7. Dark Xeno

    Offering give me you channels and vids

    If your all still a bit bored come take a look at this. (an yeah i need to update my intro trailer, its now a bit dated)
  8. Dark Xeno

    What would you guys rather see?

    best moments would be good, best thing to do is to check your watch time in your creator studio to see how long your viewers tune in.
  9. Dark Xeno

    Regarding Skyrim Remastered

    PC players there is no reason to buy it again as all the mods make it better than release, for a console player that has never owned a copy of skyrim then its a good pick up for a price of 30 bucks lol.
  10. Dark Xeno

    Any Games You're Recording?

    I record anything I play just in case I do something crazy and want to highlight it its a very bad habit of mine lol. But it is also why I build a dedicated recording PC. I have been doing a lot of PS4 stuff World of Final Fantasy demo, Final Fantasy X HD. Also did some of Battlefield when the...
  11. Dark Xeno

    What are your thoughts on the Nintendo Switch?

    At this point there is too many what ifs. We will know more in January but I will be keeping an eye on it. The cart size will vary from game to game like the DS titles do, but I'm hoping they will use a Flash/Cart type allowing games up to 32-64 gigs to keep up with Xbox/PS4 game size types.
  12. Dark Xeno

    Gaming World of Final Fantasy

    Well folks I'm super hyped about this game, and how much can be done inside it. Come with me and check out the opening screen of the demo. I hope after the demo is out to do a full review and run down of all the features and items I can find in game.
  13. Dark Xeno

    Favorite Video Game or Game Series and Why?

    I a major fan of the Final Fantasy series. The 13 line was a bit off for me but hey every series has its bad sides. I keep finding myself going back and playing the original FF all the time. Thank god they have remade it so many times in a portable setup even tho they added things and changed...
  14. Dark Xeno

    Reviving a Channel.

    Hello Freedom Family, Its been a long time since I have been here or posting to YouTube, but now that things have settled down a bit I want to get back to doing videos. So here is where my thoughts have been. I see that YouTube has changed a few things which is good, and they nuked a ton of old...