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  1. TSpr0tege

    What do you focus your gaming channel on?

    This question has been my obsession lately, and I'm curious about everyone else as well. Especially if this is something you haven't thought about a lot. Because it's a REALLY important distinction. There are two ways to take this: 1) If you're strictly into game content, what type of games? 2)...
  2. TSpr0tege

    What do you think about Day 1 patch for games?

    This is funny. I literally JUST did a video about this. The short version is basically: day one patch is a slap in the face to all the people who reserved a title. You put up the money ahead of time (guaranteeing sales) so you can play the game the first possible moment it's released, but...
  3. TSpr0tege

    What's The Game That You Think Has The Best Ending? (No Spoilers Please)

    I HAVE to ask you about this. I don't often hear FFVIII as a favorite for people. Mine either, though I did quite like it, and even appreciated the protagonist enough to adopt his name as my own. ...legally. So! What did you like about the ending so much?
  4. TSpr0tege

    What's The Game That You Think Has The Best Ending? (No Spoilers Please)

    If I'm honest, I don't think it really compares at all. In fact, it's largely a disappointment for most Silent Hill fans. Honestly, I only played through it because I was renting and it's sort of a pride thing with me. Got bored half-way through, but the ending did almost redeem it for me. It...
  5. TSpr0tege

    Best Place To Stream Twitch Or YouTube?

    Each has their own considerations. Twitch is more function built for gaming exclusively, but YouTube is starting to catch up. YT also has a slightly more open market potential, as there aren't as many streamers to get lost among. I would expect it to be easier to get discovered on YT. There...
  6. TSpr0tege

    What's The Game That You Think Has The Best Ending? (No Spoilers Please)

    Great question! While I was pretty impartial on the game itself, the ending of Silent Hill Shattered Memories was excellent. You had a building suspicion of something coming, but it was still an excellent twist. I had an exceptional vocal reaction to it.
  7. TSpr0tege

    Gaming Top 5 games I want to play

    Any feedback very welcome. Be harsh as you need to, as long as I can improve something with your input. (note: I cannot improve my face, so don't bother suggesting it :p )
  8. TSpr0tege

    VLOG Post your latest VLOG here!

    My weekly vlog: A recap of my week, topic of the day (this one being NVIDIA) and shout outs at the end.