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  1. boyka

    Tips & Tricks Using a Song's Cover in a Video

    I thought so... Since monetization of covers is not often admitted :/ Thank you for the answer
  2. boyka

    Tips & Tricks Using a Song's Cover in a Video

    Done by someone else
  3. boyka

    Tips & Tricks Using a Song's Cover in a Video

    Hi guys! As title says, I'd like to use a song's cover for my video, but I want to know if I can really use it, even when the "creators" of the cover gave me their approval.
  4. boyka

    Solved Can I make a Song Parody

    That's what I did but... there's only the midi of the vocals and not of the instrumental :/. What I mean is, I don't need that midi of the main notes of the vocal since I'll sing it, so it's really useless... I need only the "background", and it does not exist a midi of that... I found how to...
  5. boyka

    Solved Can I make a Song Parody

    Oh really nice to hear! So I only have to search "SongName Midi", download it, edit it in that program and use it? And, it's hard to do it?
  6. boyka

    Solved Can I make a Song Parody

    It seems to be a quite good news, even if I could see that all the fair use cases were about only a portion of a song D: Surely, since is full of minecraft parody for examples :P, I'm gonna take this: "the Herobrine" - A Minecraft Parody of Eminem & Rihanna's Monster (Music Video) By...
  7. boyka

    Solved Can I make a Song Parody

    Really no one can give an advice? D: I really need it
  8. boyka

    Solved Can I make a Song Parody

    Hi guys! As title says, I'd like to know if it's possible to make a song's parody* and uploaded on youtube without risks. My goal is to take the song's instrumental and singing on it my parody of the song. Can I monetize it? Will I encounter the risk to get a strike even if I do not monetize...
  9. boyka

    What's the best Free MMORPG for SOLO?

    °O° You do not even know how many hours (and blasphemies) in heroics! It's really a good news! Mmm This looks exactly what I'm looking for, I only have to check out classes and if I like it :D
  10. boyka

    What's the best Free MMORPG for SOLO?

    Oh, my fault, ty!
  11. boyka

    What's the best Free MMORPG for SOLO?

    really nice, it seems what I was aiming for at least for the shop :cool: since nowadays it's really hard to not encounter "shameless" pay to win! your offer is really appreciate (y) (Y)
  12. boyka

    What's the best Free MMORPG for SOLO?

    Yeah I've heard something about it, but it wasn't too "be carefull from that guy oh u died" (much pvp :oops:)?
  13. boyka

    What's the best Free MMORPG for SOLO?

    Thx a lot both of you :D I'm gonna test both Tera and Wow and see (even if game like these could change a lot in near future and leveling up) and I'll if it's a good choice to record them (since time it's not much and I must be really selective :confused:). But at least I could spend some of my...
  14. boyka

    What's the best Free MMORPG for SOLO?

    I read nice reviews about tera, can you tell me you too something more? (difficulty and pay to win thing) Thx all
  15. boyka

    What's the best Free MMORPG for SOLO?

    Oh sorry then :P I remembered that "free till lv 20" thing. I think I'll give it a try, I've always wanted to test it Nice, what else you can tell me about Blade and Soul? About difficulty (learning to play and in game) and about "pay to win"?
  16. boyka

    What's the best Free MMORPG for SOLO?

    I said free to play D: For what I can remember, WoW it's a "pay monthly or play another f*****g game" :(
  17. boyka

    What's the best Free MMORPG for SOLO?

    Hello guys! I'm about to find a great fantasy MMORPG to record that's not too hard for solo, based mostly on PvE, with not too hard mechanics (about skill usage, equip etc.) and (if it exists :rolleyes:) not (too*) PAY to WIN. I'm not a real expert about these type of games, I tried the old...
  18. boyka

    Are "Kidding Comments Parodies Reaction Videos" Allowed?

    Ok thanks a lot (even if some channels I know, should be closed and the owner in a nice penitentiary)
  19. boyka

    Are "Kidding Comments Parodies Reaction Videos" Allowed?

    Thanks, quite exhaustive. But what about the risk of a complaint for defamation? Can someone tell me if this risk is real, or youtube won't allow it?
  20. boyka

    Are "Kidding Comments Parodies Reaction Videos" Allowed?

    Ok thx. I don't really think these are fair examples in this case... We are talking about someone who take and reupload the same video (taken from someone else) with only some minutes of comment between some "phrases" (or even only a facial expression), making fun of the person who made the...