music industry

  1. Plague

    Music Requesting help from my freedom family

    Hi I recently entered a music competition and I wanted to reach out to the community for some assistance. I need to collect votes I will happily sub back if you vote. I'm also open to collaborations! Here is the link to vote wish me luck and thanks for reading...
  2. GodsSon

    My YouTube Story!

    Hello all, The reason I started YouTube was simply to inform people of what is going on. Prior to the channel I run now, I used to run a music channel; which I write my own songs, record it in my studio, edit it, then go to make a video for it, edit that and upload it to YouTube. Unfortunately...
  3. GodsSon

    Are your favorite artists under Oath?

    Vow of Silence Oath Exposed! #HollyWood | #VowofSilence #MusicIndustry I see that a lot of entertainers are sworn under oath to never tell certain things. I have always wondered why would they stoop so low to vow to not tell their fans what truly goes on.