subscribe video

  1. Anthony Smith

    VFX Animated Subscription Notification reminder 1.0

    This is a generic reminder to subscribe to your channel that pops up and shows people the action they need to perform in order to be notified of future uploads. This includes the project files for Adobe Aftereffects so you can include your own channel name and avatar if you'd like. Do you like...
  2. DP123KING

    Gaming HITMAN VIDEOS!!!

    Hey #freedomfamily, I have some videos to share here, but it's mainly for feedback purposes because I would like some suggestions based off these videos where I could have improved and even further suggestions for future videos...
  3. KazamaDaisuke

    Help me out in regards to a Channel Trailer

    So long story short i have no idea how to make a Channel Trailer...i watch Jeorge's recent videos about this and I see a lot of great channel trailers that people did but for some reason i just can't think of a way to make a Channel Trailer for myself...I don't want to just copy some other guys...