
  1. ZinQ Nasty

    Gaming TOP 5 360 KILLS IN BLACK OPS 3

    These are some of my craziest 360 kills. Which number is your favorite?lol
  2. MistixxGaming

    Gaming A new gamer in the community

    Hello freedom I would like to say first of all thank you so much for the opportunity of joining this great network. And I would be bringing content such as Call of Duty, Watchdogs 2, TitanFall 2, Battlefield 1, Minecraft, and so much more at MistixxGaming on YouTube.
  3. Gaming Assassin

    PlayStation looking for Amazing call of duty players

    so I have Started this clan YouTube channel so I been looking for members to join. available sections quickscopers/trickshot,competitive,and,basically. Other YouTube where small channels can grow together if your interested send and reply or and message to me
  4. M

    Subscriber Milestone 100 Subscribers on Youtube

    Well Im not trying to brag about 100 subscribers on youtube but I really enjoyed finally hitting my milestone and hope to continue growing and eventually getting bigger in the youtube community If you guys wanna collab feel free to look me up on Youtube @MsTa Dom Thanks So Much