Resources Need Review-

Manh Nguyen

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 21, 2016
Can someone review my channel?
tell me whats bad about it and so on.
i seem to be getting nowhere.
Any constructive criticism is helpful.
Thank you :)

Goped Fred

Distinguished User
Freedom! Member
Feb 13, 2016
A little place called Oblivion
Can someone review my channel?
tell me whats bad about it and so on.
i seem to be getting nowhere.
Any constructive criticism is helpful.
Thank you :)
Stop worrying so much about it, you've made a channel to have fun,so have fun with it! Communicate with people, give good insight and critisism, especially to snake channels whom can help and support you as well. Be sociable and interact. Other than that, optimize your tags for top searches, create appealing thimbnails, create good quality videos, and have fun with it!

Lauren Smith

Active Member
Freedom! Member
Feb 1, 2016
- Thumbnails, they make your videos/channel a lot more professional as they make you look organised and they show off skill!
- Shorter videos, most of your videos seem to be about an hour long.. I would suggest cutting that down as people want to watch shorter videos especially from smaller YouTubers, if you shorten your videos then you will notice a significant rise in your watch time and possibly your engagement!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
May 30, 2015
I'd suggest way shorter videos my man, 15 minutes possibly is a good amount of time IMO. Not a lot of people have time to sit through an hour each video.

Thumbnails would also be a great thing, you don't need anything fancy just something which takes people attention


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 4, 2016
My personal suggestion would be to add commentary in your videos, shorter videos would be nice as well. Certain games might need longer video length, but most of the time you can cut out boring parts and leave in the ones you find okay.

Thumbnails is nearly a must, of course it might take some time but it's definitely worth it in the long run.
Try playing different sort of game genre's to add to the content pile, people search for various games and will have an easier time finding you, if you got more content of different genre's.

But if you wish to just have a few type of games, you might want to be patient on the growth side for a while. Especially if you got competitors that play the same games. Don't let this drag you down, remember it's a sea of channels out there and you might be lucky to get on the hook a day!