Brave Fencer Musashi - Minku #6

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Aug 16, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Location of the sixth Minku.

As you go down into the well, your first time (after the Church / Vambee Soldiers encounter) you may have noticed an alcove on the wall to your upper right. There's either a Minku - or it's signature, a pile of pink poop - there. How to get to it, through?

After you have taken down the Water Scroll's Crest Guardian, go back down into the well, stand on the Water Crest, and activate the Water Scroll. The water levels will shift, and - after a cutscene (which I edited out, for the sake of saving time and keeping this video relevant to the Minku) - you can activate your Water Scroll, and take a leisurely stroll over the water's surface to the Minku! careful not to fall into the water while chasing after the little bugger. xD
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