Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars | Nod [16] | Operation Stiletto [Hard]

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Aug 16, 2017 at 1:20 PM
Posted by Fluffy
Gameplay - Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
Campaign - Nod
Mission 16 - Operation Stiletto
Difficulty - Hard

Full level completion with 100% Primary Objectives, 100% Bonus Objectives & 100% New Intel Gathered on hard difficulty.

Obtaining the Bonus Objectives are somewhat more difficult on hard than on normal. I tried to pull off the same tactics I did on normal, but to no avail - it takes too long to build a Mammoth Tank and Tripod, and the opposing troops will wipe out your commandeered structures before they finish building. Unfortunately, this means losing the mission, as you cannot lose a Scrin Drone Platform or GDI Construction Yard.

This time, you'll need to fully take over a base and prepare to defend yourself while you amass troops, gather resources, and prepare to take over whatever structures you didn't get before.

Pulling this off took quite a few tries, as the AI is rather inconsistent in its behavior.

One time, I failed to protect my southwest takeover because there were too many GDI troops amassed nearby.

Another failure occurred when I took over the southwest, but neglected the northwest, and let the Construction Yard get destroyed by the Scrin. REMEMBER TO PROTECT IT! I recommend NOT capturing anything in the northwest - this will buy you some extra time to build defenses and gather forces down south, as the Scrin will have a bit more to take down before they get to the Construction Yard.

Another failure occurred when I took over both the southwest and northwest - I managed to set up my defenses, but wasn't aware that there were GDI Juggernauts deployed on the battlefield. They ended up destroying the northeast Drone Platform. Derp.

Anyway, all I can say is keep at it. It is infuriating, and takes a bit of luck to get a decent startup, but once you've set up your defenses and have held off attacks, you should be good.

Just don't forget to capture a Scrin Gravity Stabilizer as well. I managed to complete this mission on hard once before this attempt, and it took half an hour, but I forgot to capture a Gravity Stabilizer. Meaning I didn't get one of the Intel items. So yeah, don't forget that.

One other thing - in this video, you'll notice I took over the production facilities in the northeast, and left the Scrin to destroy them. This helped me keep most of the hassle off my back, as the AI did not replace them this time around. However, in the attempt that I described above (the half-hour successful attempt that I missed an Intel objective on), the AI actually did replace their production buildings, and I had to fight off many attacks. Probably why it took a half hour. In any case, take over these structures or not, it's up to you. Just be aware that the AI may or may not replace them.
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