Orcs Must Die Warmage Difficulty - Lost Adventures DLC -Great Gorge

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Aug 21, 2017 at 7:36 AM
Posted by SampleNinja
Orcs Must Die! Double Trouble Warmage 5 skull/Highscore guide by spitfire25565 Walkthrough/Commentary

Warmage 5 skulling Guide by spitfire25565

double trouble

This map is exactly how it sounds... double trouble. 2 paths leading to the rift.... and the best place to setup is right at the rift. It can get hairy up until about the 4th round, but once you make it past there it should be smooth sailing.

1) Learn to space your lightening storm so the outer edge of the cloud is just over the kill-line of the kill box. This takes some practice, but you know you got it when you stop seeing orcs get struck by lightening well before the killbox.

Other than that, watch the video and enjoy!

download the demo/buy Orcs Must Die Here! :


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