Life On The Rails | Walking Dead #18

Adding a 5 second clip to catch the audience is a very good idea in order to catch the viewers attention. To be honest, I did enjoy the video. Keep it up.
Thank you CrazyLawrence. It is true, Until Dawn makes use of the Butterfly effect really well, the Telltale games just has your choices effected by a few sentences here and there. But, I still don't mind the games and do enjoy them myself. As for introductions. I use to have the dubstep one a while back, but got rid of it as I was annoyed to hell with it. I usually try and put a 5 second (top spot) from the video in the beginning to grab the viewer. Hope you enjoyed the video at least.
I have played many Telltale Games, and since then, I don't really enjoy them as much as I used to, just because your decisions that you make does not influence other actions that much. What I mean is that it isn't a in depth butterfly effect. Other than that though, Telltale does try to go in depth so I give props to them on that part. Relating to your video, your camera is a decent size in relation to the entire video and the lack of an introduction could be beneficial, since most viewers actually leave the video if they have to watch through a 10-15 second introduction on every video. It is all about Audience Retention.


Jul 10, 2017 at 2:36 PM
Posted by HealPleaseHeal
We finally get the train started and meet the man who was living in the train car itself, Chuck... and he's not creepy at all.

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