My Thoughts On : The Last of Us Remastered (2014)

Awesome video, wish I could play it but I don't have a PS3 or PS4. Maybe someday I will get to play it.
Well I definitively recommend it, the story is compelling, the setting is majestic and you really feel for each and everyone of the characters you interact with. I've had the game since I had my PS4 and only got around to playing it recently, as the ending had been spoiled for me, but it was worth the anticipation
This is one of those games I've always wanted to play, but simply couldn't because it was an exclusive. They really missed out on getting a lot more money by doing so. One day I may get a cheap broken console to play it on but until then it remains a game I haven't played :(.


Jul 17, 2017 at 8:57 PM
Posted by zeke morgan
Welcome back to another quick My Thoughts On (review) video. In this episode we look at the highly popular and graphically stunning 'The Last of Us'.

After only just recently completing 'The Last of Us' I felt compelled to create this review video to broadcast 'My Thoughts On' this highly popular Playstation exclusive title which had fans mesmerised back in 2013, when the original game was first released.

The Last of Us is a survival horror action adventure, that is set in a post apocolyptic world in the year 2033. The world is now plagued by a Cordyceps virus (yes a real thing) that has turned humans into zombie like creatures, through advanced mutation.

You the player take control of Joel, a survivor, who due to unforseen circumstances must transport Ellie (a 14 year old girl) across a destroyed United States to the resistant group known as the Fireflies.

Players traverse through vibrant and immersive environments such as, richly detailed towns, dilapidated buildings, luxurious forests and unhygienic sewers to progress the story, with players being able to decide how most encounters turn out - either sneak and stealth your way around or utilise the long and short range weapons to take out foes.

Additionally The Last of Us contains a variety of multiplayer modes for players to enjoy including the classic 'Team Deathmatch' (TDM) and my personal favourite 'Interrogations' - in which each team aims to interrogate enemy personnel to locate that teams strongbox and then open it to win.

If you enjoyed this review of The Last of Us, and found it helpful or insighful then please don't hesitate to leave a 'like' , comment share and subscribe so you never miss a video
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