Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta Review

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Oct 9, 2017 at 11:20 AM
Posted by zeke morgan
Review for the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta, which is still available on PS4 and Xbox One until 5pm BST. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is an up and coming action 3rd and / or 1st person shooter based on the popular and iconic Star Wars franchise, and is the direct sequel to the 2015 'Star Wars Battlefront'.

The main game will feature a single player campaign in which you take control of Iden Versio - leader of the Imperial Special Forces Squad, and participate in events leading up to The Force Awakens. You will also get the chance to play as hero characters such as Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren. Additionally players will get access to a split screen offline multiplayer, as well as online multiplayer featuring more modes, characters, skills and maps to conquer, along with seasonal free DLC.

For those not lucky enough to have played the Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta, it allows you the opportunity to try out four modes which are :
- Galactic Assault - which is a 20 vs 20 large scale battle, playing as either Clone Troopers of Imperial Droids
- Starfighter Assault - A 16 vs 16 space battle
- Strike - a smaller 8 vs 8 attack and defend
- Arcade - Battlefront's offline mode for one of two players.

As with the previous Battlefront each character has a variety of skills to deploy in battle, from turrets to grenades and even a handy shield, and with the introduction of 'Battle Points' - which you cash in to play as more powerful characters - it seems like Battlefront 2 is shaping up to be a rather nice addition to the franchise.

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