Who's The Cake Boss - Dramatic Reading

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Aug 21, 2017 at 7:35 AM
Posted by SampleNinja
I'm looking around nervously, chewing at my lip. I've never felt more sure about anything in my life, so why am I so nervous? Maybe that's normal, all part of becoming an adult, no longer a bachelor.

"Stand still." Stan grumbles, straightening my tie, brushing some invisible dust off my shoulder. "Alright, you look great. Are you ready?" He looks me in the eyes with a big smile on his face. "I can't believe my little brother is getting married!"

"Yeah, I'm... I'm ready. I'm just going to go find something to eat before... it begins." He claps me on the shoulder as I go.

"You're gonna be fine, just don't take too long, it's starting any minute." I nod and head off through the corridors. The murmur of the guests, eagerly awaiting the start of the ceremony can be heard faintly through the walls as I make my way to the dining room on the other side of the church.

Everything is already set for the feast tables filled with plates stacked high with delicious fruits and snacks, meat and fish, sallads of every kind. I stalk up and down the tables, taking a bite here and a bite there, trying to make it look untouched. And then I look up and the half eaten apple drops from my gaping mouth, rolling across the floor.

It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. The shapes and curves, the exquisite patterns in the cream, the cherries on top. It's simply perfect. The perfect wedding cake. I can already feel myself stiffen as I follow drop down to my knees, inspecting the cake closely. In an hour I would be a married man and my days of sexual adventures would be over, and here it was, the greatest temptation of all, as if to test my conviction to my upcoming marriage. It was too much, I just couldn't stand it anymore.

I got up off my knees, the cake placed perfectly at hip-level infront of me and I just lost control, unable to take the in the sight of the cakes sensual, teasing curves any longer. My nervous hands fumbled at the zipper, expecting someone to walk in at any minute. With a groan I shoved my throbbing manhood in to the cake, the cool cream engulfing every inch.

It was everything I imagined and more, the cake seemed to melt around me, wrapping itself tight around me.

"You like that?" I couldn't stop myself from moaning as I pumped faster and faster in to the soft, wet bakeword. The confection felt like nothing I had ever felt before and for a moment I wondered if it was legal to marry cakes in any state as I felt myself nearing climax.

"I'm *******!" I scream, unable to hold it in any longer as I feel my seed pumping out into the cake, lying there in a soggy heap like the **** it was. Suddenly, I hear the double doors slam open behind me.

Standing there in the doorway is my brother, his mouth hanging open. Behind him, I can see a hundred faces, the whole chapel filled with people craning their necks to get a better look at my softening member, still covered in two kinds of cream. I swallow, trying to think of something to say, something that can save this disaster of a situation.

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