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  1. Rulez

    Solved Dashboard problems

    Is there any way to just turn on the old design of the dashboard?
  2. Rulez

    Solved Dashboard problems

    Hi. The dashboard is completely broken for me; it only shows that my next payment is 31 July, and I've earned 3 cents on January 1970, and when I go to the "channel" tab and try to explore that January thing, it won't load. What's up with that?
  3. Rulez

    Service Professional Graphics

    Hi! Any chance you could help me with some thumbnails for my videos?
  4. Rulez

    Educational How to GROW your YouTube channel! (more Views, more Subs)

    Done! :) looking forward to more.
  5. Rulez

    Educational How to GROW your YouTube channel! (more Views, more Subs)

    Congratulations on getting so many subs and views in such a short time, I admire that! I never tried getting more, but your video might come in very handy, thanks and good job! :)
  6. Rulez

    Music One-man band checking in!

    Thank you everyone, I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome, aww, you're the best!! :) Thanks for showing me the subscribe button thingy, I'll add that in a sec, and also, yes I must say that half of my old covers were unproduced (Moon River to Psycho) and I'm not very proud of them, however...
  7. Rulez

    Music One-man band checking in!

    Hello everyone, I'm Tomek, and only now have I gotten the courage to introduce myself to the community! I'm an 18-year old musician from Poland. I found Freedom through a very good friend of mine; he wanted to help me, because he knew I was quite clueless about YouTube-related things, I just...