Search results

  1. KoolyRabbit

    Music For Montages From Freedom's Position Music Selection

    Hello, everyone! I was searching for some music for montages on the Positive Music website but I cannot find any. Has anyone find any music to use? If so, what do you recommend?
  2. KoolyRabbit

    What do you guys record with?

    I use a lot of recording software... However, the main two that I use are Shadowplay and DxTory. I use Shadowplay when playing myself and I use DxTory to record if I want to play with some friends.
  3. KoolyRabbit

    Gaming My Introduction To The Freedom Family!!

    Oh wow XD. That's cool. And thank you, man.
  4. KoolyRabbit

    New YouTube Partnership Program?

    I accepted. Thanks guys.
  5. KoolyRabbit

    New YouTube Partnership Program?

    Yeah, I accepted it XD.
  6. KoolyRabbit

    Gaming My Introduction To The Freedom Family!!

    Hey, guys. My name is Leon Wallace but I go by the name of Kooly Rabbit. I am from Jamaica but I now live in the United States. I am currently 23 years old (birthday in May). I've been with Freedom! for a year now but I didn't introduce myself properly to the Freedom Family so I thought that I...
  7. KoolyRabbit

    New YouTube Partnership Program?

    I was reading the terms and services and on number three, it says that I must have adsense... Do I really need one?
  8. KoolyRabbit

    New YouTube Partnership Program?

    Hey, guys. Good morning, good evening, or good night. I have a question. Did anyone on the Freedom! network recieved a message on your dashboard that says, "We have worked with your MCM to include you in the YouTube Partnership Program."? I've been seeing this for a while now but I don't know...
  9. KoolyRabbit

    Best Render Settings For Shadowplay Videos?

    Hey guys, as the topic suggest, I would like to know what are the best settings for rendering a shadowplay video in Sony Vegas or Sony Movie Studio. The reason why I want to know is that whenever I render a shadowplay video, it looks fine, but on YouTube, the quality is blurry. Now, I know that...
  10. KoolyRabbit

    Best Recording Software For Game?

    True, you can use Shadowplay but you need a nvidia graphics card. If you have an AMD card, you are screwed lol
  11. KoolyRabbit

    Best Music For Montage?

    Hey, guys. As the title suggest, I am looking for some instrumentals or songs that would be nice for some Battlefield 4 montage. I hit 100 subscribers and I want to make a Battlefield 4 montage but I cannot find any instrumentals that are good. Anything you guys suggest to me would be...
  12. KoolyRabbit

    Best Recording Software For Game?

    One thing I should tell you... Whenever you are recording, always record on a separate hard drive. If you do that then your main HD will not take a huge hit and cuz the game to lag and so forth. I record on a separate hard drive so that the end result isn't choppy and laggy.
  13. KoolyRabbit

    Best Recording Software For Game?

    Lol I don't know what to tell you then. As a last resort, use Shadowplay if you have a Geforce GPU (Nvidia GPU). The x264 have to be configure in order for it to work properly though. OBS again is another choice but for me, it doesn't record 1080p videos properly because it stutters the game...
  14. KoolyRabbit

    Best Recording Software For Game?

    I don't know then... Cuz my system is trash and I don't lose frames at all... Maybe you need to lower your video settings in the game bit? Certain things in game can hurt framerate. If you still think DxTory is making you use frames, use Shadowplay or OBS. For me, I use DxTory... The codec I use...
  15. KoolyRabbit

    What do you think is the best shooter?

    Battlefield 4... Just the Battlefield Series in general.