
  1. Goped Fred

    A Touchy Subject

    I enjoy doing gameplay commentaries about thought envoking things, and I have a subject matter I think would really be cool to do, but want a few opinions on the matter first before I run with it. I'm wanting to do a commentary on my beliefs. I'm a Christian, and I know how touchy people get...
  2. Goped Fred

    An Optimistic Gathering :)

    With all the negativity of today's society, sometimes it's hard to focus on all of the good times. That's exactly what I want to do with this thread, to focus on what makes you happy. Post a comment about something that made you smile today!
  3. Lazykidney

    Community Introduction

    My name is Ali Saleh Ghanem I am 20 years old. I am 40% Syrian 40% Kuwait and 10% Irish. I was born in Ireland and raised in Denmark. My English is not fluent as it were because of lack of studying and 4 different languages i were nearly forced to learn, i have learned English by myself through...
  4. TheThreeKeks

    Community TheThreeKeks Introduction

    Hello everyone! We are three best friends who basically consider ourselves as brothers who have been on YouTube since 2010, but sadly we stopped because we were young and we didn't get any recognition. But that has all changed after I was invited by another youtuber(who's name I don't remember...
  5. JoSiMixes

    VLOG Vlogging outta Sofia, Bulgaria!

    Hello Everyone! I just stumbled upon Freedom and I just submitted the form to become a partner. I guess I wanted to start out by giving everyone a little backstory. I am originally born and raised in Germany, after completing High School I went to go join the US Army, during my time in...