40% share of my (and YOUR) profits.


Respected User
Dec 16, 2015
Indiana, United States
Greetings my fellow gamers:

As a Freedom! Partner, I have a question that requires an answer-- what exactly does Freedom! do to assist with channel growth? This question has been burning in my mind for over a month now; since I initially applied to join this network. After viewing other posts in these forums and watching previous Freedom Partners' video reviews for this network (mostly negative unfortunately), I haven't come across any information in regards to what it is that Freedom! actually does to "help our channels grow faster", as is promised in the tag line in big, bold letters, on the application home page of the Freedom website.

Now I'm talking about the company Freedom!, not the partners of Freedom! (whom I have found to be very helpful in this forum thus far, so thanks(y) (Y)). Freedom! as a business takes 40% of my profits, and YOUR profits too, unless you've reached a point in your partnership that you were able to negotiate a different percent value. So with that said being that Freedom! and myself are in a legitimate business relationship, I feel its only fair, just, and right for a direct employee of Freedom to explain to me what the business plan is to help my channel grow, so we as partners can profit together. I've been dedicating 40+ hours a week to playing, recording, and editing my videos, and over $600 dollars of my own money on equipment thus far, in an effort to provide the highest quality videos that I can. Now I would like to know what exactly it is that Freedom! is doing to "help my channel grow faster". In other words, what is Freedom! doing to earn their 40% share of MY profits; what is it that this MCN is doing for me (and YOU) to justify their 40% share?

Please don't tell me that they offer tools (free Music and Training videos) or that there is the forum for us to use. I can get free music from YouTube, I can watch the training videos for free on YouTube, I can go to one of the many gaming forums on the internet and post my content there (Reddit for example). I, and many others I'm sure, would like to know what Freedom plans on doing to support our channels and justify their 40% share of our profits.

Thank you,

Jake Vegas


Mythic User
There are things like the youtube channel spotlights, hosting these forums, more music to choose from, direct user support as well as no minimum payments and a few other things. Also remember that the 40% is just the default starting out so usually 40% of a few cents is worth it for most channels, even to gain a small advantage for channel growth.

That being said networks aren't for everyone, if the tools Freedom provide aren't helping at all you are always free to join another network or go back to the default Adsense. A lot of the things networks will help with you will still have to put in the majority of the work.

Noritzu Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
Well you get TubeBuddy full version for free as a partner. That in itself is going to be worth more than the 40% cut that the vast majority of us might be paying. Im personally with PGUK Freedom and honestly the support with getting things moving has been amazing.

Simply put i've been with freedom about a week now, and my experience is they do give you the tools that are otherwise a bit pricey for a new YouTuber, They do lend their support network to help you grow (PGUK will retweet/repost once a week something you request).


Respected User
Dec 16, 2015
Indiana, United States
There are things like the youtube channel spotlights, hosting these forums, more music to choose from, direct user support as well as no minimum payments and a few other things. Also remember that the 40% is just the default starting out so usually 40% of a few cents is worth it for most channels, even to gain a small advantage for channel growth.

That being said networks aren't for everyone, if the tools Freedom provide aren't helping at all you are always free to join another network or go back to the default Adsense. A lot of the things networks will help with you will still have to put in the majority of the work.

Thank you for your timely response.

I doubt Freedom has the capability at this point in time to spotlight all 130,000+ partners to help each and every one of us grow. The forums are nice and generally everyone is helpful, I will admit this, but I was using the forums actively before officially becoming a partner; the only thing really lacking was the "Advertise Your Content" thread, and as I stated earlier, I utilize this feature for free on any of the many gaming forums that are available on the web. Please clarify what you mean by "direct user support", because if you're referring to Freedom's Support ticket system, my experience has been very lack luster in that department: I submitted a support ticket and never received a response for a full week, when I reached that full week, I replied to that support ticket by simply asking if anyone can provide me with any information in regards to the ticket-- I never received an answer to that reply either. 2 weeks after the initial submission of the ticket the issue was resolved, but no one ever bothered to communicate with me during this time frame. What I experienced is not quality support. More music is cool, but personally I've found that the free Music available on YouTube works just fine. The minimum payments and a "few other things" may or may not be beneficial at this point, but I don't know for certain. But can you honestly say that any of these are a justification for taking nearly half of our profits?

Right on the Freedom! home page it states "We help you grow faster on YouTube"... how much faster? The tag line really should read, as you stated: "We can help you gain a small advantage for channel growth on YouTube," as that seems to be a much more accurate statement. Well said, sir.

Freedom is the only network I've personally had experience with, as its the only MCN that seems to have very few limitations on who can partner with them (I wonder why that is?), so I can't speak about other MCN's. But if what you say is true, then you are absolutely correct, joining an MCN is not for me. Hypothetically, if someone were to commit to a resteraunt business partnership, where partner #1 (60% of the profits) was cooking the food, waiting on the customers, bussing the tables, taking out the trash, mopping the floors, cleaning the bathrooms, etc., and partner #2 (40% of the profits) didn't do anything but provide a few tools, most of which partner #1 could get somewhere else for free, can you honestly say that this is a fair business partnership? I don't think you can, but this hypothetical scenario seems to be a reality with Freedom! and their partners.

I have clicked the "unlink" button on my YouTube channel, to separate from Freedom! I have no problems waiting my 30 days, and then I will fly solo, only joining another network after I have thoroughly researched that network.

I do believe its only fair to those who actually take the time to read this-- to inform them, if they can't figure it out for themselves, that joining or staying in a business partnership where the profit split is nearly 50/50, but where only 1 partner is, as you stated, "doing the majority of the work" and the other isn't pulling their weight to earn their share of the profits-- that it is not a wise business move to stay in that business relationship. In fact its almost ignorant to do so. I'm not trying to insult anyone, I'm just being realistic, and we all have to live in reality, not a fantasy world.

Thank you for your time, I wish everyone the best.[DOUBLEPOST=1453045805][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well you get TubeBuddy full version for free as a partner. That in itself is going to be worth more than the 40% cut that the vast majority of us might be paying. Im personally with PGUK Freedom and honestly the support with getting things moving has been amazing.

Simply put i've been with freedom about a week now, and my experience is they do give you the tools that are otherwise a bit pricey for a new YouTuber, They do lend their support network to help you grow (PGUK will retweet/repost once a week something you request).

As I mentioned earlier, my experience with Freedom Support has been quite terrible. And thank you for enlightening me to TubeBuddy as I had no idea it even existed. Maybe if I had direct interaction with an employee of Freedom!, I (and the others who aren't aware of its existence), we could have utilized it sooner.

Noritzu Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
Well you unlinked already and i am not here to change your mind, but I will say despite all the negativity i've seen about Freedom from various sources i can say the PGUK Freedom network has been good to me so far. I've had many questions (more than most id wager) and every one has been satisfactorily answered withing 24 hours (usually 12, but they admit over the weekends it takes them longer). The price on tubebuddy is fairly costly for anyone with limited income or budget and is a great tool from what ive used of it. and honestly most of us newer YouTubers probably dont even come close to being able to pay for it with our youtube profits, so that alone is a positive.

I will say this, the split is pretty heavy assuming you are actually making a big income from youtube, but they also claim to give increasing profit cuts to those who are getting the views. I can't really comment on this as im not there, but thats something to see in the future.


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Well i am partnered with MGN the sub-network for gamers by Freedom!
Within this community they are looking for ways to help in growth with feedback and ideas from their members wich in my opinion has potentional to become something many have profit from. Besides the tools and music it is good to see that a network listens to their members on what they want to see and then go for it to so it actually happens


Mythic User

Thank you for your timely response.

I doubt Freedom has the capability at this point in time to spotlight all 130,000+ partners to help each and every one of us grow. The forums are nice and generally everyone is helpful, I will admit this, but I was using the forums actively before officially becoming a partner; the only thing really lacking was the "Advertise Your Content" thread, and as I stated earlier, I utilize this feature for free on any of the many gaming forums that are available on the web. Please clarify what you mean by "direct user support", because if you're referring to Freedom's Support ticket system, my experience has been very lack luster in that department: I submitted a support ticket and never received a response for a full week, when I reached that full week, I replied to that support ticket by simply asking if anyone can provide me with any information in regards to the ticket-- I never received an answer to that reply either. 2 weeks after the initial submission of the ticket the issue was resolved, but no one ever bothered to communicate with me during this time frame. What I experienced is not quality support. More music is cool, but personally I've found that the free Music available on YouTube works just fine. The minimum payments and a "few other things" may or may not be beneficial at this point, but I don't know for certain. But can you honestly say that any of these are a justification for taking nearly half of our profits?

Right on the Freedom! home page it states "We help you grow faster on YouTube"... how much faster? The tag line really should read, as you stated: "We can help you gain a small advantage for channel growth on YouTube," as that seems to be a much more accurate statement. Well said, sir.

Freedom is the only network I've personally had experience with, as its the only MCN that seems to have very few limitations on who can partner with them (I wonder why that is?), so I can't speak about other MCN's. But if what you say is true, then you are absolutely correct, joining an MCN is not for me. Hypothetically, if someone were to commit to a resteraunt business partnership, where partner #1 (60% of the profits) was cooking the food, waiting on the customers, bussing the tables, taking out the trash, mopping the floors, cleaning the bathrooms, etc., and partner #2 (40% of the profits) didn't do anything but provide a few tools, most of which partner #1 could get somewhere else for free, can you honestly say that this is a fair business partnership? I don't think you can, but this hypothetical scenario seems to be a reality with Freedom! and their partners.

I have clicked the "unlink" button on my YouTube channel, to separate from Freedom! I have no problems waiting my 30 days, and then I will fly solo, only joining another network after I have thoroughly researched that network.

I do believe its only fair to those who actually take the time to read this-- to inform them, if they can't figure it out for themselves, that joining or staying in a business partnership where the profit split is nearly 50/50, but where only 1 partner is, as you stated, "doing the majority of the work" and the other isn't pulling their weight to earn their share of the profits-- that it is not a wise business move to stay in that business relationship. In fact its almost ignorant to do so. I'm not trying to insult anyone, I'm just being realistic, and we all have to live in reality, not a fantasy world.

Thank you for your time, I wish everyone the best.

I know what you mean with 40% being a very large share and on top of the 45% that youtube takes you aren't left with much. The main reason why this is so much is that Freedom lets in smaller channels who probably cost more to Freedom than they earn 40% of $0.05 is only 2 cents. Paypal costs money to send out money, I'm sure Freedom have some sort of deal with them but anything that is using up server space and peoples time still cost money. If you are at 60% or even 70% revenue share you probably shouldn't even be looking at the income side of things (you gain a higher % depending on the views per month you are getting). I'm at 90% and not even close to earning any sort of money that I could live off. The main thing people are looking for is channel growth and the best way to earn money on youtube is to get enough channel growth that you can earn real money. So even if Freedom helps by only growing your channel by say 5% the 40% they take is usually worth it for most people. Also the minimum payout is probably one of the best features for smaller channels, a lot of people may never reach the $100 cap minimum that youtube has and earning a few cents can sometimes be the incentive to grow your channel.

This is what I understand of it anyway :D I don't really care if channels are part of Freedom or not I just like helping and watching channels grow. So if you are leaving the network I hope you can still stick around the forums :)
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