PlayStation Anyone in need of a chill clan?(BO3 16+)


The Gr8 One
Freedom! Member
Dec 14, 2014
United Gaming Society [UGS] is a new community that has had a single console launch [PS4].Our aim is to provide a family feel for all console user's in a safe online environment.

Features of UGS

Full Navy style ranking structure

Multiple teams [Work in Progress - Requires Members]

Different divisions for different consoles

Competitions [Coming Soon]

Major League Gaming Team's [Coming Soon]

Original signature design's/Wallpapers by the Design Team.etc.

We have an age rating of 16+ due to mature content that may be posted by members, we DO NOT consent to racism, sexism or any other form of abuse that can be interpreted wrongly.

If you are interested in joining, visit: and when asked who referred you; say StefanGaming did, If you have any questions contact me email us at [email protected]
Oh btw we have a YouTube channel :
(We may need a bigger YouTube team for this clan)