PlayStation Black Ops 3 Spawn Trap!


Rising User
Freedom! Member
Mar 6, 2016
Hey Guys i am looking for a team of 6 to do a Black Ops 3 Nuk3Town Spawn Trap. I am looking to record this and make this a YT video.

In this spawn trap there is a guaranteed 100+ kills for every member of the team!!


-Must be 13+ (Nop little kids sorry!)
-Must be prestige 8+ or a really good prestige 6/7
-Must have atleast a K/D of 1.50+
-Must have a good mic (No Echoing)
-Be ready to be tested!

Contact Me!:
Gmail: [email protected]
skype: itsso.simplez

Or Here!

Available Spaces: 5
(This number will go down when i accept people)