Bringing Back Attention To A Dying Channel

Jay Dakid

Rising User
Feb 1, 2016
Hello everyone I wanted to get a bunch a different takes and opinions on this so please comment. I have a youtube channel with 6,880 subscribers. I have had it for 4 years. I was doing really well on youtube until I got really sick and my lung collapsed which rendered me in the hospital and then on bed rest for almost a month. After that I took like a 6 month break from youtube and when I came back all the views I was getting disappeared. I have been uploading consistently and trying to restart my channel since January of 2016. The support I have been getting is so low that people comment to me all the time about how I bought subs but that is not the case I just have a ton of inactives. Do I start over or is there a way to bring them back? Or is my content just not good and I should just give it up? I have spent a ton of money over the past year in ads trying to revive my channel but it has not worked. I also tried a new genre of games. Basically I'm extremely frustrated right now and I jsut need some help and direction. If anyone out there is kind enough to respond to this with some insight it would be greatly appreciated.

BBP Games

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 6, 2017
Keep going at it!

Ive noticed that your recent videos has a lower thumbnail quality which may have a connection to the view count. Try improving them and see if that helps

EDIT: I had a much more detailed explanation for you but the freedom forums here counted it as spam for some reason :/

Jay Dakid

Rising User
Feb 1, 2016
Thank you that helps but can you maybe message me what you said on twitter or something because I am very interested in what your opinion was.

zeke morgan

Mythic User
Freedom! Member
Dec 8, 2015
Keep going at it!

Ive noticed that your recent videos has a lower thumbnail quality which may have a connection to the view count. Try improving them and see if that helps

EDIT: I had a much more detailed explanation for you but the freedom forums here counted it as spam for some reason :/
Were your trying to contain any links in the detailed description? As Freedom detects links / URL's as spam unless you have a post count of five (which you now have) if you still have the detailed description you could try and repost it or even send it via a direct / private message and it should be fine now. As for @Jay Dakid I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you and hope that everything is ok now - sometimes YouTube can be cruel like that, when people take time out for a good reason and yet viewers / subs get tired and no longer watch. I would definitely say try and keep at it, you have gotten so far on that channel it would be a bit of a waste, in my opinion, for you to start again

Jay Dakid

Rising User
Feb 1, 2016
Were your trying to contain any links in the detailed description? As Freedom detects links / URL's as spam unless you have a post count of five (which you now have) if you still have the detailed description you could try and repost it or even send it via a direct / private message and it should be fine now. As for @Jay Dakid I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you and hope that everything is ok now - sometimes YouTube can be cruel like that, when people take time out for a good reason and yet viewers / subs get tired and no longer watch. I would definitely say try and keep at it, you have gotten so far on that channel it would be a bit of a waste, in my opinion, for you to start again

Thanks bro I appreciate your opinion and I will keep at it and see if it gets better.

BBP Games

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Feb 6, 2017
Were your trying to contain any links in the detailed description? As Freedom detects links / URL's as spam unless you have a post count of five (which you now have) if you still have the detailed description you could try and repost it or even send it via a direct / private message and it should be fine now. As for @Jay Dakid I'm sorry to hear about what happened to you and hope that everything is ok now - sometimes YouTube can be cruel like that, when people take time out for a good reason and yet viewers / subs get tired and no longer watch. I would definitely say try and keep at it, you have gotten so far on that channel it would be a bit of a waste, in my opinion, for you to start again

Actually no links at all. I believe it was just from me mentioning where it believed it was a website now that I look back on it. Unfortunately, I do not have the full description but Jay, I will contact you soon.

Jay Dakid

Rising User
Feb 1, 2016
Actually no links at all. I believe it was just from me mentioning where it believed it was a website now that I look back on it. Unfortunately, I do not have the full description but Jay, I will contact you soon.
Ok thanks bro