Service Request Channel feedback


The Portuguese
Freedom! Member
Aug 24, 2015
Hello ya'all!

I really would like to ask you your honest opinion about my youtube channel. I'm on youtube for about five months now and I would like to know if I'm doing a good job. I'm having fun with this project, and I think that alone is already a positive thing to think about. But as I know that a lot of you guys are way more experienced in this, I would like to know your opinion and trying to improve my channel and even my own experience using that feedback.

Although, I might admit that can be hard for some, once my channel is fully portuguese. Eventhough, I'd like to know what you think about a small list of topics. You can check just some of them, or even be less "complicated" and don't mind about the topics at all.
I must thank you in advance for your time! :)

These are the topics I think it's good to talk about:

- Game audio quality;
- Mic quality;
- Video quality;
- Presentation and images (avatar, banner and thumbnails);
- Intro/Endcard;
- Content (types of games, genres);
- Video tags and description;
- Channel description.

Again, I know that some of these points are quite hard to review since my channel is fully on portuguese, but I do think you can help me in some.

Again, thank you so much for your time!! :D

Kind regards,


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2015
Hey friend! You're my first review houraaay!

Your banner and logo looks good, but the thumbnails are not atractive... Maybe more colors? Biger text? I don't know :/

For your microphone I recommend to download audacity (it's free) and you can mute the noises in the background =)
Also can I reommend you to write the title of your videos like this:
GRAN TURISMO: Que resistência? - EP21

see you later :D


The Portuguese
Freedom! Member
Aug 24, 2015
@Machi Thank you so much for your feedback. :)
About thumbnails, I don't know what to do. Today I started a new series on my channel, with some new things and things I do believe will improve the channel's quallity. Yet, thumbnails are so annoying to me. I don't dislike them, but I understand that these are not great thumbnails. But I need help for this. On the last video I did five different versions of thumbnails and I don't like a single one. :(
About Audacity, that's the software I use. I don't have a bunch of money to spend, so I have a 1€ mic that I honestly think is not that bad, but... ok, I'll be care about it. (Yet, I did exactly the same thing on this episode of today, and the audio is better, I believe). About the name of the episodes, I don't know, but I don't think that "layout" is good. Also because the name of the game is always in brakets which I use just to organize the videos.

But thank you so much, once again, for you review and time to do so!! :D


Respected User
Freedom! Member
Nov 13, 2015
Hehe :D just keep in mind that this is only MY feelback! Maybe someone else with give you better advices or tell you something very different lol

btw even if I don't understand a word of your video it sounds pro ^__^