
The Crazy Boi
Freedom! Member
Feb 10, 2016

Hello Freedom! Family!
We are feeling generous, so we are going to have a mini competition that we will announce a little later in the thread!

Before we start though, we have noticed a lot of new people into the forums, may I take the time to say welcome! A first impression is what counts the most, so when you introduce yourself to us, we want you to leave a post which we can relate to and be able to start a lot of conversations with you as a person. Remember the Introduce Yourself section is for introducing you, not the face of your channel.

I have made a reference which shows what we hope to see our new members make so we get to know you more, some details, like where you live specifically can be left out, we only want to know your general area, like England etc..
If you want to compare your introduction to the reference, click here!


The vote has begun!

Voting for the February 2017 "Valentine's day" contest is underway and we are still hoping for a March 5th announcement of the winners.
I cannot say much, except that it is a very close call and over 6 of you can become first.
Good Luck to all!

Mini-competition: Community Reviews

Now it is time to have some fun!
As a YouTuber, we make better content by understanding what we might be doing wrong, therefore giving people feedback on their videos and channels will be the best idea to be able to grow!
For the next two weeks, I want you to give people developed, detailed reviews and then link them to me with a @ tag. I will then review all of your replies and decide who is the winner.

The winner of this mini-competition will receive ₡100!

Also, remember that the other competition, or the race to ₡1,000 is still going on!
First place was claimed by @LW001, however 2nd and 3rd are still left loose.
Forum Team except myself can win, given they follow the rules specified in the previous announcement.


A new forum milestone!

If you paid attention to the Milestones and Achievement section, you would have seen that the forums surpassed over 900,000 posts, which was astonishing, but recently, which cannot be seen by anybody else at the moment, we have surpassed over 50,000 Credits since its announcement.
That is amazing to hear and we will have even more news to announce very shortly, some we believe you will enjoy.

300 to 400, in less than a few weeks

Everyone loves gaining a hundred subscribers on their channel, even 1 fills us with joy.
Freedom! Partner: @Frosted Technology not only gained a hundred subscribers in a short period of time, but that puts him over 400!
The community has been very supportive and you should all, if you haven't already; congratulate him for his hard work here!

~~Introduction of the week~~


Congratulations to Darrell for being awarded introduction of the week. This is because it's 100% himself and it gives you a lot of things to talk about. This may focus a lot on his channel and his decisions, however there is a lot that you can imply from his writing and I want as a family to give him what he wants which is give him critical feedback, be as picky as needed, as long as it makes sense that is.

Where should you do that? Right here!

~~Collaborative Resource and Idea Board~~

Development of an Electronic masterpiece

Well, I may not believe it to be the best I have heard myself, I still do believe that you should have a go, no matter what the community might say.
@ytlazzog took the challenge of making some music himself, of which he wanted you, the Freedom! family to listen and give him feedback so he could possibly improve in the future.

For more information, check the release material here!

Remember that as an addition to the FFF, everyone mentioned will receive ₡10 Credits each as a congratulations bonus.

So that's it for another week, which do you think was the most deserving of our mentions?
We are also looking to showcase the very best of your contributions to the forums, so if you have a tip, resource, service, milestone or introduction thread that you think should be showcased then please don't hesitate to get in touch!
Until next time, be awesome to yourself and amazing to each other!



Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Epic FFF again, these are honestly what keep me going throughout the week sometimes!

I have made a reference which shows what we hope to see our new members make so we get to know you more, some details, like where you live specifically can be left out, we only want to know your general area, like England etc..
If you want to compare your introduction to the reference, click here!
That link's a small 404...
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Community Manager
Freedom! Member
Apr 2, 2016
Vienna, Austria
Also, remember that the other competition, or the race to ₡1,000 is still going on!
First place was claimed by @LW001, however 2nd and 3rd are still left loose.
Forum Team except myself can win, given they follow the rules specified in the previous announcement.
I hit it again. Does that mean I'm second too?