Gaming on YouTube

Noritzu Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
When i look around YouTube, especially newer (or at least the not well known) channels, all I find are lets plays? Personally im not a fan of lets plays, I prefer the comedy shows that are much more heavily edited or scripted (much like JonTron, Game Theory, ect)

so I have a question, is anyone besides myself doing this?

Hail Kira

Game Show Host
Freedom! Member
Feb 5, 2014
British Columbia
When i look around YouTube, especially newer (or at least the not well known) channels, all I find are lets plays? Personally im not a fan of lets plays, I prefer the comedy shows that are much more heavily edited or scripted (much like JonTron, Game Theory, ect)

so I have a question, is anyone besides myself doing this?
Alot of youtubers make gaming vids cause we enjoy it... we know that the genre is over saturated, and we probably will never get big doing gaming videos... but we enjoy ourselves...

Making other kinds of videos takes alot of time and work, time that we could be playing games! Lol

I do make some other vids, but I focus on South Park, and Gaming.
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Noritzu Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
Emicarn - I just haven't ever really enjoyed it. I've never really found much value in watching others play games unless its something really original or the player is amazingly funny (even then thats rare for me to watch)

Beyond that I was just interested to know if someone besides myself when it comes to newer YouTubers enjoys making/watching this style of content? I keep my eyes open for people with similar interests in that area but have yet to find one. I know im in the minority on it but i was curious if anyone else does it.


Active Member
I started doing comedy and took my time into editing on my last 3 videos but I am not generally funny, in fact I have a social anxiety but with editing, I could make my awkwardness become funny by adding unnecessary stupid things with it


The Flying Dutchman
Community Team!
Freedom! Member
Alot of youtubers make gaming vids cause we enjoy it... we know that the genre is over saturated, and we probably will never get big doing gaming videos... but we enjoy ourselves...

Making other kinds of videos takes alot of time and work, time that we could be playing games! Lol

I do make some other vids, but I focus on South Park, and Gaming.
Agreed on this. I enjoy making video's as they are and due to work and kids i don't have much time to play or even edit the video's. But that aside i enjoy the time that i have to do this :)

Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014
I'll tell you why; because anyone can do it. It takes almost no skill to record gameplay with crappy commentary and upload the footage. The format lets people crank out videos without having to put much creativity or thought into them.

Phil Kidd

Human Person
Freedom! Member
Dec 10, 2014
@Phil Kidd just checking, was that a jab at my style of video or defending how much work is put into it? honestly reading your comment i can interpret it as either way.
I didn't even look at your channel, and was just responding with the first answer that came to mind. I've done this style of lets play in the past as well for these very reasons.

Nolan Westmore

I take up space
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2014
Let's Play videos don't require as much effort as a "Funny Moments" video. It's part of the reason why the vast majority of gaming channels never get off the ground. Consider the following:

Would you rather;
1: Have a video you worked on for a week, be proud of, and make $1.
2: Make a video you took 20 minutes to make, care not for, and make $1.

Most would answer the second [at least in their head (but won't admit it)], but the first option grows faster as a channel, and will get to $2 faster than the second option. However, the vast majority of channels in general see potential money and fame as their objects, which is why they pick the second option over the first.

It's very easy to tell who chose the second option, just look for people who show up on the forum and plug their channel in inappropriate places each chance they get. Or, find unedited LPer's on YouTube who have a hard time continuing to talk and make good jokes during their videos.
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Noritzu Gaming

Rising User
Freedom! Member
Jan 11, 2016
Thanks for the discussion everyone. I honestly had a similar thought process on the reasons (lets plays do take a lot less time im sure). But i was curious if it was due to the ease of lets plays or simply that was the nature of what everyone likes. from the responses it seems like its a pretty good mix.


Active Member
Let's Play videos don't require as much effort as a "Funny Moments" video. It's part of the reason why the vast majority of gaming channels never get off the ground. Consider the following:

Would you rather;
1: Have a video you worked on for a week, be proud of, and make $1.
2: Make a video you took 20 minutes to make, care not for, and make $1.

Most would answer the second [at least in their head (but won't admit it)], but the first option grows faster as a channel, and will get to $2 faster than the second option. However, the vast majority of channels in general see potential money and fame as their objects, which is why they pick the second option over the first.

It's very easy to tell who chose the second option, just look for people who show up on the forum and plug their channel in inappropriate places each chance they get. Or, find unedited LPer's on YouTube who have a hard time continuing to talk and make good jokes during their videos.

Should I start replacing my title on my videos that says "gameplay" on them and put "funny moments" instead?
Because I used to play random games back then and just commentate on it, but they're usually 20 - 30 minutes long.
Now what I've done is that I started putting my time to editing my videos to make them funny (ish) and now they're usually 8 - 12 minutes long.


Well-Known User
Freedom! Member
Jul 29, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
I do Let's Plays and I watch Let's Plays. I started watching YouTube videos with Let's Plays and I've been hooked ever since. I'm pretty picky when it comes to which LP though. I generally watch LPs of games I don't have (some I'll never have), heavily modded games (Elder Scrolls or Fallout) because I'm terrible at modding those games, I also enjoy the story telling and role playing that comes with Elder Scrolls or Fallout LPs. I only watch LPs from 3 or 4 youtubers.
I love playing through a game, I'm not a fan of games like that have the arena match kind of thing (COD). I like story, that's the biggest thing for me in a game.
Everyone has their own preference and own opinion.