YouTube Have you ever been featured in a popular compilation video?

Have you ever been featured in a compilation video?

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Kratos Aurion

You Earnestly believe you could defeat me?
Freedom! Member
May 8, 2014
Phoenix, Arizona
So I just recently found one of my clips used in a compilation video the other day with just under 100,000 views. A clip of me fighting the secret boss Sephiroth for the first time in Kingdom Hearts 2 alongside other LP'ers who fought him blind.

So I'm curious has anyone else found their videos used in a similar capacity? And if so what did you think? And did it do anything to drive extra traffic over to your channel? (Sadly for me it didn't really drive a lot of extra traffic towards my channel but it was still cool to see it)

Here's the video of the compilation I am featured in with 7 other people: